We have a few upgrades in mind, and with upgrades we mean actual upgrades.
Not dressing up you printer like a Christmas tree, because you could print something.
We mean real UPGRADES.
Where needed, we try to design the parts our self
But why do the work when we have found a good part on thingiverse…
Upgrades Lined up:
FLY-E3 Controller board upgrade, from 8-bit with noisy 4498 drivers to 32-bit with Super silent FLY-TMC2209.
Full Linear Rail upgrade for the Ender 3 including STL files.
Single Linear Rail on the X-axis with new designed mounting plate for the Hotend.
Dual Linear Rails on the Y-axis with a new mounting plate for the Buildplate.
Optical End-stop for the Z-axis. (will be replaced with different model once the Dual Z Linear Rails are ready, currently in development.)
Dual Lead screw for the Z-axis. (Currently in development)