FLY-E3 RRF, complete SD card

FLY-E3 RRF, complete SD card


If you decide to download an install this firmware file you NEED to know this:

This package is based on SENSORLESS homing. Unplug your X and Y endstop if you want to use this package.

Display is configured, and i have some issues with the pre-heat menu, this is not yet fixed.
Keep an eye on this page for future updates

Filaments are configured, so you can load and unload from the DWC web interface.

If you want to proceed, download the file and unpack it to the SD card
Open the SYS folder and edit the runonce.g file fill in your wifi settings. SSID and PASSWORD.
This runonce.g file also installs the WIFIServer.bin file, which will be installed when the system runs the runonce.g file.
After it completes the runonce.g file will not be displayed anymore in the SYS folder.